
You:   Do you miss home?
Me:   I don’t know.
You:   What do you mean you don’t know?
Me:   No, not really.


可能是从小的寄宿生活以及个人的性格问题,我和家人之间并没有向和同龄人与家人之间的关系那么亲密,沟通也很少。加上上了高中之后在家里待的时间不多,有整整一天的时间去陪爷爷奶奶更是屈指可数。 沟通的渴望促使我去用相机记录他们的生活,并用一种视觉化的方式接近他们。 慢慢的我发现他们有着极为规律的作息,活动的圈子只会在166-1这一栋房子。他们的生活极其平静,但同时枯燥的让人难以想象。在这个过程中,我甚至很难去找到打开话题的突破口。正是这种内心里想说的话很多但是无从说起的感觉,我选择了用文字去介入图像,将我想说的话都写在图像上。在最终的呈现上,我希望材料本身是带着温度的,所以选择用vandyke工艺将手工制作这些照片。

Due to the boarding life at a young age and my personality, I don’t really talk with my parents; I have never been very close to my family like peers and their families. Attending high school in other country limits more time for me to stay at home; the days I can stay with my grandparents can be counted on one’s finger. The desire for communication prompted me to record their lives with a camera and get closer to them in a visual way. Gradually, it was found that they had a regular routine every day and the circle of activities was only limited in House 166-1. Their lives were very quiet, but unimaginably boring. In this process, I couldn’t even find a breakthrough to open a conversation. Even though I had a lot to say, I didn’t end up saying anything. Such thought made me decide to express my feeling through words, so I wrote them down to match with the images. On the final presenting form, I hope that the material itself will be carried out with warmth, so I decided to use Vandyke technique to handmade these photos.


Even in the end, it's hard to say whether I have found a way to break the deadlock, but this whole experience and the work itself made me realize that I have full of implicit but passionate emotions for them.